We hate censors!

Of course we do, which is why we are ‘ura‘ (uncensored) ‘bukkake‘ (you know that bit)!

It seems that the censors in New Zealand think bukkake shold be banned! Well, banned from being painted on camper vans anyway.

Wicked Camper 11

Colourful Wicked Campers have raised eyebrows for a while, but have finally fallen foul of the censors down there. It’s hardly fair is it? Trying to ban bukkake is acceptable to them when sheep shagging is perfectly acceptable?!

Semen Simon


Wicked Camper slogan banned as Censor rules Japanese porn term ‘demeaning to women’


A degrading sexual term is banned but a Smurf holding a joint isn’t, according to the Chief Censor’s latest ruling on Wicked campervans.

The Wicked Campers company says its just being humourous, but with few people laughing ONE News has been finding out exactly what criteria the Censor’s office is using.

‘Bukkake’ is an obscure sexual reference to a sub-culture of Japanese pornography, and it appeared in a slogan on a Wicked Campervan, until yesterday.

“Bukkake is a sexual activity that’s hugely denigrating towards women. And that’s why we’ve decided ultimately it should be banned,” Chief Censor Andrew Jack said today.

The company agreed that it “may cause mild offence to some individuals who are aware of its translated meaning”, but defended it as being humourous and not sexual.

“Something as denigrating and demeaning to women is not a joke. It’s not a laughing matter and its not okay,” Mr Jack said.

Two more of the provocative people movers escaped classification.


The first showed a smurf holding a joint, which according to the company’s lawyers is “clever marketing designed to resonate with the Wicked campers audience”.

The other was a van with Homer Simpson pictured on one side and “Confucius say man with dick in peanut butter jar is just f*****g nuts” painted on the back.

The Censor’s office says those vans don’t reach the threshold of what’s likely to cause public injury, although they will undoubtedly cause offence.

“It’s a big deal to ban something in New Zealand. We hold the right to freedom of expression really dearly. And I’ve often said to people that we are privileged to live in a country where we have the right to be offended. And that particular image is in that category,” Mr Jack said.

Reining in Wicked Campers is likely to provide the Chief Censor with a lot of work.

“In some respects it is an unusual case because we haven’t dealt with vehicles before. But in another way it’s actually just business as usual,” Mr Jack said.

It’s the only mechanism the police, and the Government seem to have to put the brakes on the Australian backpacker brand.


Source: https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/wicked-camper-slogan-banned-censor-rules-japanese-porn-term-demeaning-women

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