By Jenna of Heads Cocked

The women who take my, Heads Cocked: fun blowjob class will quickly find that they have an abundance of fresh semen available to them, whenever they wish. So, what to do with all of this delicious and abundant goodness.

What to do I do with it all? How much should I have? Great questions! Let’s take a look.

Here’s a brief breakdown of just some of the benefits of semen:


Psychological and Emotional

Recent scientific research has determined that, due to hormones present in seminal fluid, oral ingestion of sperm aids women in combating depression. Scientist and professor at the University of Albany, Gordon G. Gallup Jr., believes semen functions to improve a woman’s mood and can serve as a natural anti-depresent. Swallowing semen can help her to also experience more amicable feelings toward her male partner in addition to serving as an aphrodisiac. That’s right, swallowing semen can actually increase the intensity or pleasurability of a woman’s own orgasms.

I can tell you from my personal experiences each day that I have found this is one of the best reasons that every lady should be giving blowjobs each day. They provide amazing feelings for both you and your partner, but I’ve found that, as a women, I derive far more benefits from a blowjob then my man does. Sometimes I can feel a little selfish demanding to blow him.




A natural cure for morning sickness. Many biologists agree that a woman’s body initially rejects a pregnancy due to the foreign nature of the semen inside her. The body attempts to remedy these symptoms by inducing the woman to vomit. Studies now show that ingesting sperm can mitigate or completely eliminate these affects by introducing more sperm into the body. The woman’s body is able to adapt to the presence of the foreign substance more easily and discontinue the rejection process. These researchers also suggest that ingesting the sperm of the father is the ideal solution, as swallowing ejaculate of a different man can actually increase the likelihood of a miscarriage.



In addition to health benefits, there are cosmetic advantages to incorporating semen into one’s daily beauty regimen. Many international spas and salons have integrated semen into their treatments on the basis that it will lead to healthier hair and more youthful skin.

Did you think the term “facial” was just a funny term? Taking a face full of semen is not only fun but it really is good for the skin. These spa treatments however, can be pricey. Some salons charge $250 for a 10 minute facial scrub, while Hari’s salon in England reportedly charges £55 for a 45-minute hair conditioning treatment with bull sperm. The salons promise the rejuvenating properties of these facials are well worth it and, depending on your source, they contain far less chemicals than your average shampoo and are therefore eco-friendly.


Nutritional Info

A real blowjob queen can get nearly half a cup of semen from her man in a day. What nutritional benefit can all of that deliciousness provide?

Here is a sample of the nutritional label from semen from one source.



Would you also believe that there’s a REAL cookbook with recipes that feature semen? It’s true!



Here’s the link to that book, available on Amazon. I don’t get any commission or have any affiliation with that awesome idea, however, if you do purchase the book it would be awesome if you’d comment on the book’s page that this blog was the reason you got it!


Health Precautions

Before going down however, it is advisable that you and your partner(s) get tested regularly. Although, it is possible to contract HIV from oral sex, there have been very few reports documented on contracting the virus this way. However, it is always better to be safe than sorry! Despite the low risk of acquiring HIV from giving a blowjob, there are many other STD’s that you could be infected with, such as herpes, syphilis, and gonorrhea. Some prevention measures to aid in protecting yourself from infection include practicing good oral hygiene and ensuring that you have no open cavities, blisters, or bleeding in your mouth. Also it is ill-advised to brush or floss before performing oral sex, save that for after your meal! However, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention what a wonderful treatment for bad breath semen is! For me, it works better than any mouthwash sold in stores. That’s another of the great benefits of giving that wake-up blowjob.

However, as delicious as semen is, opting to use a condom may be the healthiest choice if you want to prevent the transmission of STDs but still want to go down on your man.



Blow Job Instructor


About the author:

“Jenna” is the founder and “head instructor” at Heads Cocked: fun blowjob class. She is an expert instructor in the art of fellatio. During her classes, Jenna provides personal instruction to the ladies in attendance and performs a LIVE demonstration of a REAL blowjob including performing various techniques such as deep- throating and swallowing semen. More information about the author can be found here.

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