Accidents do happen!
Continuing the ridiculous theme of accidental sexual encounters (read here about the Saudi millionaire whose penis ‘accidentally’ penetrated a teen’s vagina) we have yet another ‘oopsie daisy’ moment here. An accidental facial apparently!
We know about semen squirting dentists who deny filling babe’s mouths with sperm. It seems that accidentally jacking off in a girl’s face can happen if you are a doctor! Again it’s funny how all these accidents seem to happen to attractive women and not some wrinkly old age pensioner having his final tooth polished… hmmmm….
Semen Simon
‘It Was An Accident’ Says Doctor Who Pleasured Himself And Got Semen On Patient’s Face
Metro Reporter, for
A doctor accused of masturbating on a drugged patient claimed he got semen on her face by accident.
Dr David Newman allegedly drugged the woman before ejaculating on her face at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York.
But the 44-year-old ex-medic said he masturbated in a lounge before treating her, and accidentally got semen on her, the Sun reported.
When shown a picture of the patient on January 12 – the same day he saw her – Newman told police: ‘I am embarrassed because I wacked off in the lounge, and it was possible that the ejaculate may have gone from my hands to the woman’s blanket.
‘Semen may have also transferred from my hand to her face during the time I treated her.’

He turned himself in a week later and was arrested.
Prosecutors said that DNA taken immediately after the alleged assault matched Newman’s.
Assistant District Attorney Eun-Ha Kim said that Newman gave the woman an extra dose of morphine, after a nurse had already done so, ‘in absolute violation of hospital protocol’.
Three more women, aged between 18 and 21, have since come forward and accused Newman of groping their breasts during the summer and fall of 2015, the prosecutor said.
One came into the ER for a cold, another for an eyebrow rash and the third a headache.
Kim added: ‘There was simply no medically legitimate reason to fondle these women’s breasts.’
Kim offered him four years in prison if he pleaded guilty to the top count, but defence lawyer Susan Necheles rejected the offer.
She said: ‘Mr Newman obviously denies all of these allegations. They’re not true. This case appears to be a case that will go to trial.’
Newman, who is no longer employed at Mount Sinai, pleaded not guilty to five counts of sexual abuse.