There can be only one!

250,000,000 sperm cells leave your cock when you blow a load. And only one feisty little hero makes it to the egg. Following up on our ‘sperm TV‘  post last month which featured girls swallowing cum on a BBC documentary, we feature another excellent semen centred TV programme.

National Geographic have made a fascinating documentary about our beloved ball juice! Everyone it seems is keen to learn more about the secrets of sperm! They’ve made a superb high-tech and dramatic flick using people as sperm cells to portray the toughest race ever – the race to the egg.

A quarter of a billion sperms flood into the vagina and make their treacherous journey to the egg.

They must compete with each other and have the legs for the tough journey. Millions die!

The body’s defences kill countless hapless sperms!

Only the strongest and fastest sperms stay in the race! All but one shall perish!

Who will make it to the egg? Watch National Geographic’s excellent sperm saga this Sunday 14th March at 9pm ET/PT. Its bound to give you a new view of your bollocks.

Semen Simon


UPDATE: Video below




Images: Jeremy Benning and The National Geographic Channel


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