Sunday, September 8

Hi everyone,
well sadly Tokyo is still in a mess after the tsunami and radiation scare and our scheduled shoot could not take place. There’s a lot of organising, personnel and logistics and if a few people of things area missing (like the girl!) then it throws a spanner in the works. What this means is that unfortunately we have to slightly adjust our update schedule for April. We’ve got plenty of movies produced already so don’t worry! But instead of twice weekly updates we will have to temporarily move back to weekly updates due to these truly exceptional circumstances. Sorry!

But this is short term and you will still be getting your bukkake! Just to explain, we have some material but the problem is we must shoot, edit and produce and then upload continuously and this takes a bit of time. We have another shoot planned and we’re confident it will go ahead and the material we have is standing by to be uploaded. In fact we could be filming within a week or so if all goes to plan, in which case the emergency schedule will be reverted to normal within a week or two. Watch this space!

We’re really sorry about this guys, it is a temporary measure and we are working hard to get things back up to speed! I’ll promise I’ll keep you informed of any developments and I’m honestly certain that it shouldn’t last very long. Tokyo is getting back on its feet.

Semen Simon

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