Happy Star Wars Day – with slinky, kinky Rey!
It was actually Star Wars Day on May the fourth – but alas, I confess I forgot! As all the geeks out there know, “May the fourth be with you…”
As the above poster shows, we have a new galactic girl to drool over. The sultry Rey knows how to firmly grasp a weapon as the above poster shows.
But the above movie poster was photshopped from the the original.
The orginal movie poster is below.
Yes that’s much more like it. She looks like she really means it.
I’m sure if she grabbed my cock like that, my force would awaken!
Below we can see all the naughty business Rey likes to get up to behind closed doors with Kylo Ren, Finn, strangers wandering round the desert, and aliens in a galactic glory hole – all watched by electronic voyeur pervert BB8.
The force is strong in this one. 🙂
Semen Simon